An Enchanted Evening of Cocktails and Conversation with the Sisters of Mary Girlstowns and Boystowns

Come enjoy a wonderful night of cocktails and conversations with the Sisters of Mary. This is not just another evening; it’s a rare occasion to immerse yourself in the world of the Sisters of Mary. Be inspired by their unwavering dedication to transforming the lives of the most disadvantaged children.

Meet the Unsung Heroes. Behind every changed life is a story of compassion, tenacity, and hope. The Sisters, through their tireless efforts, have been that beacon of hope for countless children. Get up close and personal, hear their stories, and understand their mission.

  Date   October 10, 2023

  Time   6:00pm


The Acosta-Rua’s
4265 Yacht Club Road
Jacksonville FL 32210

  Cost   $500 per couple

  Host Committee  

Brooke & Fernando Acosta-Rua

Kathy & Kevin Bing

Lizzie & Tom Bishop

Debbie & Kevin English

Heather & Mike Kelley

Alden Howell

About the Sisters of Mary

For nearly sixty years, the Sisters of Mary have practiced charity to the poorest of the poor by helping children break free from a life of poverty. The Sisters of Mary strive daily to reduce child poverty, improve health, provide education and vocational training, teach catechesis, and equip their students for future employment.

At its core, the Sisters of Mary provide truly Catholic residential care in free, year-round, live-in schools (Boystown and Girlstown communities) to more than 20,000 of the world’s poorest children every year.

The Sisters of Mary have sites in the Philippines, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Honduras, and Tanzania.

As “Mother-Sisters,” the Sisters provide the strong maternal presence many children lacked growing up in often broken homes. They share meals, play, pray together, and learn to make their own clothes. They also receive intensive vocational training tailored to local industries and businesses so they can either attend college or enter the workforce upon graduation. More than 170,000 students have graduated from Boystown and Girlstown communities.

The tireless work of the Sisters of Mary builds communities and helps to break the poverty cycle. Our programs provide children who grew up in abject poverty the knowledge and skills to become self-sufficient and productive members of their communities. Many graduates go on to pay for their siblings’ education and invest in their local communities. Because of this, investing in one child’s future has an exponential effect on the fight against global poverty and helps break the overall cycle of poverty

Learn more about the children

The children at our schools come from the poorest of the poor. Each child has their own stories of what their life was before coming to our schools and how their lives are being transformed by the Sisters of Mary programs.  Read the moving stories of our children in their own words. 

Meet Our Graduates

There are 160,000+  graduates from the Sisters of Mary Schools. Many of our graduates went on to live prosperous lives, helping their families and local communities. Read the inspiring stories of our graduates in their own words. 

Life At Our Villages

Learn more about how we help children break free from a life of poverty.