Books & Media

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Priest and Beggar
Biographer Kevin Wells tells the story of a different kind of American hero, an ordinary priest who stared down corruption, slander, persecution, and death for the sake of God’s poor.

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To Live is Christ
To Live is Christ is the Sisters of Mary book of Spirituality.
In this work, Msgr. Aloysius Schwartz provides a Biblical basis for each of the religious vows professed by The Sisters of Mary.

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Killing Me Softly
This autobiographical account of the last years in the life of the internationally acclaimed founder of several Boystowns and Girlstowns – in Korea, the Philippines, and Mexico – is as moving as it is inspiring.

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The Starved and the Silent
Father Schwartz explains first the circumstances which led him to become a parish priest in Busan, Korea, rather than a missionary; then he describes his parish activities as pastor, economist, social worker, and psychologist among a people incredibly different from us in their way of life, their needs, and their goals.

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The author has seen and lived poverty. He has little patience for the theological cliches which make it possible for priests and religious to compromise the spirit of poverty in the environment of plenty and comfort.

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Fr. Aloysius Schwartz: The Next Catholic Saint?
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