Fr. Aloysius Schwartz and St. Therese of Lisieux
“THANK YOU LORD, I NEEDED THAT” As the Feast Day of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus approaches, it is good to recall how the Church Doctor and Carmelite nun broke like teams of wild stallions into Venerable Aloysius Schwartz’s (founder of World Villages for Children)...
Hidden Evil and the Few Rescued Ones
The driver steered his car down a backcountry road that split canopies of great oaks, whose moss dripped from its long branches like Louisiana tinsel. The hardly-traveled road is a place where hawks soar over towering tree tops and deer and wild boar roam unencumbered...
Mothering Through Thorns of Love
The Sisters of Mary’s allegiance to five vows has made them one of the hardest-working religious communities in the world. True Motherhood Some thirty-three years ago, a young religious sister named Sr. Margie Cheong would join in the evening twilight with Venerable...