Catholic Schools Week and Serving the Poor

Catholic Schools Week and Serving the Poor

Needy’s Story This is Needy’s story in her own words: “My first memories began at the age of four when I saw how my father hit my mother. She did not defend herself. At the age of six I was in kindergarten; one day they brought me home from school because my father...
The Need for Catholic Imagination

The Need for Catholic Imagination

BARREN IMAGINATION Richard Dawkins, a well-known anti-religious and atheist thinker, has recently set the Catholic twitter-verse ablaze with an un-original, but ripe for reaction observation: For contemporary culture and people like Dawkins, there does not exist space...

Learn more about the children

The children at our schools come from the poorest of the poor. Each child has their own stories of what their life was before coming to our schools and how their lives are being transformed by the Sisters of Mary programs.  Read the moving stories of our children in their own words. 

Meet Our Graduates

There are 160,000+  graduates from the Sisters of Mary Schools. Many of our graduates went on to live prosperous lives, helping their families and local communities. Read the inspiring stories of our graduates in their own words. 

Life At Our Villages

Learn more about how we help children break free from a life of poverty.