Marian Martyrdom
In May, I took a plane to Girlstown in Mexico benignly believing I’d encounter the poor being nourished by the temporal, spiritual and maternal care of an order of Sisters. I came home two and a half weeks later with something explosive set into my conscience. Never...
Chalco C19
SISTERS OF MARY SUMMON FR. AL’S TOUGHNESS TO BEAT THE VIRUS By Kevin Wells CHALCO, Mexico – It is during these virus-plagued days that Sr. Margie Cheong brings to memory summer evenings from long ago. She’d join Fr. Al and a few other Sisters of Mary on a wide...
A Message from Sr. Maria Cho

Sister Michaela
It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Sister Michaela Kim passed away yesterday. She died peacefully in Busan, South Korea, surrounded by many of her fellow Sisters of Mary. Funeral services will be held this Saturday, March 30. Sister Michaela spent her...