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The children at our schools come from the poorest of the poor. Each child has their own stories of what their life was before coming to our schools and how their lives are being transformed by the Sisters of Mary programs.  Read the moving stories of our children in their own words. 

Meet Our Graduates

There are 160,000+  graduates from the Sisters of Mary Schools. Many of our graduates went on to live prosperous lives, helping their families and local communities. Read the inspiring stories of our graduates in their own words. 

Life At Our Villages

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Phone: 1-800-662-6316 | Email: info@worldvillages.org
Kiswahili Lesson- World Kiswahili Day 2023

Kiswahili Lesson- World Kiswahili Day 2023

Kiswahili Lesson- World Kiswahili Day 2023 The young girls at Kisarawe Girlstown in Tanzania have created a video lesson celebrating Kiswahili (also known as Swahili) for World Kiswahili Day on July 6th. It’s worth noting that Mercedes, whom we introduced in our...
Open Doors

Open Doors

Open Doors What is Sisters of Mary World Villages for Children? The Sisters of Mary and their supporters extend a lifeline to invite the most vulnerable children in some of the poorest countries of the world to break free from a life of poverty. Pray. Share. Give. And...
Suzana’s Story – Tanzania Girlstown

Suzana’s Story – Tanzania Girlstown

Suzana’s Story – Tanzania Girlstown “It is not my fault that I was born poor, but it will be my fault if I die poor. So I always study hard to make my family happy.” Suzana wants to be a doctor and finds hope to pursue that dream with the...
Philippines’ Graduate – Sherlyn

Philippines’ Graduate – Sherlyn

Philippines’ Graduate – Sherlyn Testimonial A graduate of the Sisters of Mary shares the beautiful story of how the Sisters of Mary impacted her life. The Sisters’ service and mission to help children break free from the cycle of poverty is now her mission as well....