Help a child celebrate Christmas
Give a gift today!
Last year, these boys in the Philippines were able to have a day of celebration thanks to friends like you! Won’t you give the children a day of celebration this year, too?
Your gift will help provide a small Christmas package with fun items, as well as much-needed supplies, for each child under the care of the Sisters of Mary.
It will also create a day of immense joy.
Christmas is a time to rejoice and celebrate, but it’s also a day of healing for these children, who have suffered so much in their young lives.
Together, we can make Christmas a joyful celebration for thousands of children across the world!
If you are giving from outside the U.S., we accept foreign currencies through PayPal.
Planned Giving – Your lasting legacy to our children: remembering World Villages for Children in your Estate Plans.
Corporate Matching – Double your donation’s impact by seeing if your current or former employer will match your generosity.
Gifts in memoriam or in honor of a loved one – Parents and friends may consider asking others to honor the memory of a loved one with a gift to WVC to support our mission.
Pray for our success – Remember our children and the Sisters of Mary in your prayers.
Be an ambassador of WVC – Talk about World Villages for Children to your friends and family.