On December 12 was held a special inauguration event in Guatemala. The new Building IV is the latest addition to our existing campus for boys in Guatemala City, Zona 6. The campus already provides middle school and high school education to 850 boys – as well as vocational training essential for our students to secure employment upon graduation. This expansion means we will be able to welcome 250 more students this year!
The event included a special mass, for which our students, teachers and guests gathered inside the gymnasium, just before the formal greeting and ribbon cutting ceremony.

Sister Marchela, Local Superior at the Boystown extended a message of thanks and welcome (read below) to the distinguished guests, including Monsignor Nicolas Thevenin, Apostolic Nuncio in Guatemala; Guatemala City mayor, Mr. Alvaro Arzu; and Mr. Tim Schwartz, board member and nephew of our late founder Aloysius Schwartz.
The architect of the project, Mauricio Solis further explained his vision for this renewed collaboration. Indeed, Mr Solis is a long-time partner of the Sisters of Mary; he has provided his services on many other projects prior to this new building IV – which was designed and completed in a record 11 months!
Finally, a tour and benediction of the building ensued, before the conclusion of the celebrations: a demonstration from the boys’ marching band, and a music and dance festival featuring our very own students – not only from our Boystown, but also from our nearby Kindergarten and Girlstown.
Your Excellency, Monsignor Nicolas Thevenin, Apostolic Nuncio in Guatemala, Mr. Alvaro Arzú, Mayor of Guatemala City, Ms. Patricia de Arzú, Mr. Tim Schwartz, nephew of our dear Father Al. Administrators of fundraising offices, church officials and all who make up this family, a very good morning.
First of all, I would like to thank God for His great kindness and blessings that he pours upon each one of us, and in the same way I thank each one of you for sharing your previous time and joining our joy on this special day.
Perhaps they will think How has all this been possible? This requires financial resources; But especially hearts moved by the grace of God, who in one way or another gave us their help with sacrifice and great joy to see this dream come true, this dream that will serve to improve the lives of the children most in need. In this beautiful country.
To you, our dear benefactors, on behalf of all who make up the “Sisters of Mary – Children’s Villa” family, I humbly thank you for all the unconditional support you have, rest assured that our heavenly Father will multiply your blessings all over the world.
To all of you, our dear children, always be grateful that this gratitude is reflected by caring for our facilities, so that they can be used by present and future generations.
Once again, I thank each one of you here, for celebrating with joy and sharing your time. God bless you always!
Thank you very much!