Hello, I am Sister Carina. I currently serve as a Mother Sister at the Sisters of Mary World Villages Children Boystown Villa de Los Niños in Guadalajara, Mexico. Here we care for 2,000 boys.
I am from Guerrero, Mexico, and I am a proud graduate of the Sisters of Mary Girlstown Villa de las Niñas in Chalco, Mexico. It was as a student that I found my vocation. I was attracted by the work the Sisters, who were also our mothers, did for us. The spiritual activities they shared with us gave meaning to my life and filled the void that I was feeling inside me. After graduation, I decided to join the Sisters of Mary.
As a Mother Sister, I am touched by the kindness and affection of the children. Although my day is spent between service to the children, prayer, and other responsibilities that I have, I have learned over time to do everything with a sense of offering and above all, with love. With time and experience as a religious Sister, I understand that when everything is done with love and dedication, one does not get tired.
I pray that each child in our schools, particularly those under my care, fosters the seeds of hope and perseverance as they grow, that they realize that they are capable of everything they want to do and that they know they can achieve their dreams with God in their lives. I offer God my prayers every day for them.
I always thank God that there are generous people in the world who are willing to participate in our mission to serve and give hope for a better life to the poor young boys and girls in our schools. Without you, this mission will not be possible. Thank you!