My name is Rodrigo.
I was born in Guerrero in the municipality of Chilapa de Alvares on July 23, 2009. Two months after I was born I was taken to the state of Sinaloa in the municipality of La Cruz Elota, where I began my childhood life but also the spiritual, the following year I had a little sister who was named after my grandmother, my father’s mother.
When it was time to be baptized, I had the Holy Spirit in me for the first time.
Years later I was the only man, because at the age of 5 years old the youngest of the three of us was born. She was named Milagros Guadalupe.
A year later we were left without our beloved parents when they were murdered, my father was hanged and my mother’s throat was cut, that day was the worst day of my life.
A few days or maybe months after that part of my life happened, I met some uncles that were part of my mother’s side named Florencio and my aunt Luisa. Before I knew them, I took care of my little sisters until our relatives took us to Guerrero.
After a few months of collecting the money to return to my home state, some of my parents’ friends came to see us.
Three days passed on the way to Guerrero, at the bus stop I met an aunt named Monica, she was affectionately called Monchi. Then they took us to her house in Calvario where I met my relatives. Years went by where I had to separate from my siblings who are now taken care of by my maternal grandparents, and in the meantime, I was educated by my uncles and aunts, since they gave me the possibility to study and work.
One day at work they told my uncle about this Institution, boystown. I went there to take the interview in the municipality of Hueicantenango, which is a name in Nahuatl that means “big stones”.
Then I received a call that filled me with hope, I was chosen to receive the scholarship at Villa de los Ninos and I had to go on August 6, 2021. I am now here, studying with all my classmates. Here we can have the opportunity to receive a good education, care, skills and values for our lives.
Though I don’t know exactly the people who always help the sisters to give us all our needs, I am very grateful. Really without this help, I don’t know what my life would be. I will study and work hard and go back home to help my sisters. I loved them so dearly, and they need the love of their eldest and only brother.
Thank you!